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Going for Growth

How to grow your business on a budget

By Emma Jones
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About the Author

Emma Jones

Emma Jones is founder and editor of Enterprise Nation, the home business website, and has started two businesses herself from home offices in London, Manchester and rural Shropshire. Following a career with an international accountancy firm, Emma started her first business at the age of 27 and successfully sold it just 15 months after launch. The home business website was launched in 2006, and ... Read more on Emma Jones

Contents Listing

About the Author
Profiled Case Studies

Part 1. Making the Case for Modern Growth
Growth but not as we know it
The rise of the micro-enterprise
Out of touch
Modern growth

Part II. Grow the Business on a Budget
Know your niche
The Networked Venture
Secure a sponsor
Go Global
Focus on What You Do Best and Outsource the Rest

Part III: Support


With Thanks
About the Author
Profiled Case Studies

Part 1. Making the Case for Modern Growth
Growth but not as we know it
The rise of the micro-enterprise
Out of touch
Modern growth

Part II. Grow the Business on a Budget
Know your niche
The Networked Venture
Secure a sponsor
Go Global
Focus on What You Do Best and Outsource the Rest

Part III: Support
Spa ...

Jacket Text

You've joined record numbers of people in starting a business and now you're looking to grow. But you don't want the kind of growth that comes with borrowing money, employing people, or moving to pricey offices. This book has been written for you.

It looks at how to grow the business without (metaphorically speaking) outgrowing the home. It offers five ways to increase sales and profit, without overly increasing overhead and cost. The pages are filled with stories of businesses growing in this modern way, and a map to follow their lead. They are franchising, outsourcing and going global at speed, whilst spreading wealth across the UK.

If you want to grow your business, enjoy this how-to guide, written by an entrepreneur who has spent a decade developing her own business, whilst supporting thousands of others to do the same.

Other books by this author

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