How refreshing ! This post-2008 credit crisis, holistic approach, personal development, both simple and complex finance-savvy educational text and reference book for bankers dealing with ultra high net worth individuals (and/or their families, companies, and more?) is definitely the enlightened and groundbreaking approach we now need to preserving and growing wealth! It may knock your socks off if you?re in any way wealthy, in a wealthy family or family business, entrepreneurial, aspire to be wealthy or are a banker or trainee with ultra high net worth clients, and you want to be more successful. There?s no waffle ? it?s also the stuff of the world?s best management consultancies (references to ?A Search for Excellence? and Stephen Covey?s ?The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? and more). Powerful lessons in personal change plus tried and tested techniques of the best coaches and mentors.
VISION? MISSION? FOCUS? NLP? SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE? HIGH PERFORMANCE MINDSET? BEHAVIOURAL FINANCE (and how to lose money investing)? ISLAMIC FINANCE? ETHICAL OR SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENTS? OPEN ARCHITECTURE? COMMUNICATION SKILLS? YOUR BRAND? Unexpected references in a banker?s text book. With impeccable credentials, the authors really know about people, cultures, business and the global community as well as being expert in the ultra high net worth banking and financial world. They say ?clarity about your mission and possibilities? are key; that ?clarity is achieved through vision and focus? and allude to ?snakes and ladders thinking? among other excellent ideas and strategies, then go on to share the tools you need to map the reality (of clients) and focus on the issues that will make a (wealth of) difference for them, or you, indeed anyone who wants to get the best out of their advisers!
ENTREPRENEUR? ULTRA HIGH NET WORTH INDIVIDUAL? (Or aspire to be?) You?ve made your money, now you need the right people to help you secure it, preserve it, grow it slowly or by quantum leaps, whatever! Find a banker, with the right mindset, skillset, colleagues and networks, all working by the holistic rules from understanding the knowledge in this book ? you?re in great company! Curious? Then read it! At the very least you?ll discover how much better your bankers could be working with you and you?ll know how to change your relationships and advice received for the better. Pick up lots of useful tips for yourself in the process!
ULTRA HIGH NET WORTH BANKER? (Or aspire to be?) This book is a ?must have?. When you understand and apply what you learn from this book you?ll create a virtuous circle that not only keeps your client but keeps them happy while also profitably increasing your target client base. This is a must read ? it is where you should be to reach the pinnacle of your career and make everyone else happy at the same time.
Really, all any of us want is the best advice, from someone completely savvy that we trust implicitly, who not only knows our exact financial situation, our risk profile, our future ambitions, (and much more?) plus on their part - what they are doing with finances, (not only cash but bankable assets, insurances, private equity vehicles, everything!), the markets, best deals, tricks of the trade, law, taxation, IHT, Capital Gains, (and much more?.) and if not them ? they know a man (or team) who can ? but they also understand our fears and concerns and share our resistance to losing everything through someone else?s dealings - and they?re a brilliant coach and mentor as well - we?re not asking for much!!
Packed with tools and techniques, you?ll learn or renew your understanding of beliefs and behaviours. Motivation, optimisation, opportunity net, risk management, negotiating fees, tax, disputes, lack of diversificiation. Concluding ?Our Personal Recommendations? with the ?most important questions for success? (who said questions are often more important than answers?), global Case Studies, excellent bibliography, useful websites, detailed index. Put The ULTRA HIGH NET WORTH Banker?s Handbook on your reading list right now, whether you?re an adviser or advisee! (Or aspire to be) Want to change for the better in 2010? Buy your own copy - and keep it safely by your side! It could well take wings and fly!!